How to Use Quotes in Your Speech: 8 Benefits and 21 Tips

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I write about strategies to guide speakers with their personal branding and turn it into cash. I also share ways to use real-time strategies to spread ideas, position clients as influencers, and build business.

While not necessary in every speech, using citations in speeches requires speakers to understand why, how, and when to do so.

In this post, we will look at eight advantages of including quotes in speeches before going over twenty-one suggestions for employing quotes to their fullest potential.

The Advantages of Quotation in Speech

“Free speech means the right to shout 'theatre' in a crowded fire.”
Abbie Hoffman

Including quotations in your speech has several advantages, including:

Pro Tip

Ask yourself if the quote is the best tool for the job.

Advice on How to Use Quotations in Speech

Okay, so you now fully understand the advantages of using quotations in your speech. But how do you go about it? You should cite who. When should the quotation be given? Continue reading to get many suggestions for incorporating quotes into presentations successfully.

Conduct research

Quote People You Know in Your Audience

To begin and end, use your own words; use a quote in the center

Action Item

If you’re quoting someone in a speech, make sure the audience knows where the quote ends and your words begin.

Make sure to emphasize the quote in your delivery.

“If you don’t have a plan for your life, somebody else does.”
Michael Hyatt

Make use of reliable sources.

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While not necessary in every speech, using citations in speeches requires speakers to understand why, how, and when to do so.

In this post, we will look at eight advantages of including quotes in speeches before going over twenty-one suggestions for employing quotes to their fullest potential.

The Advantages of Quotation in Speech

“Free speech means the right to shout 'theatre' in a crowded fire.”
Abbie Hoffman

Including quotations in your speech has several advantages, including:

Pro Tip

Ask yourself if the quote is the best tool for the job.

Advice on How to Use Quotations in Speech

Okay, so you now fully understand the advantages of using quotations in your speech. But how do you go about it? You should cite who. When should the quotation be given? Continue reading to get many suggestions for incorporating quotes into presentations successfully.

Conduct research

Quote People You Know in Your Audience

To begin and end, use your own words; use a quote in the center

Action Item

If you’re quoting someone in a speech, make sure the audience knows where the quote ends and your words begin.

Make sure to emphasize the quote in your delivery.

“If you don’t have a plan for your life, somebody else does.”
Michael Hyatt

Make use of reliable sources.

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Please send an email to for inquiries.Click Here

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